GSvr.exe is an executable file that provides dynamic energy management for Gigabyte motherboards. Gigabyte is reputable supplier and hence this file is usually entirely safe.
What Is GSvr.exe And Is It Safe?
The file was created by Gigabyte to help with the smooth running of their motherboards and as such, it is not a native Windows file. This means the file is not considered essential for the computer to run.
Who Is Gigabyte?
Gigabyte makes motherboards mainly for Windows computers. Here what they say about themselves:
GIGABYTE is renowned for award-winning products including motherboards, graphics cards, laptops, mini PCs, and other PC components and accessories,
A genuine GSvr.exe file is safe and removing it could cause unanticipated problems on your computer. This file generally causes very few problems for users so removing it unnecessarily is not recommended.
GSvr.exe is usually located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\EnergySaver\
C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\GEST\)
Because GSvr.exe is not a Windows system file but does possess the ability to monitor applications, it is given a technical security rating of 32% (dangerous).
Although this sounds concerning, it is just how the files are classified, files that have a greater ability to interfere with other apps are considered more dangerous than those that can’t.
The file should take up very little CPU when it is running since it’s typical resource utilization is usually less than 0.01%. This is also how you can tell whether you have an infected version of the file.
If you can see GSvr.exe running in your Task Manager and it is taking up an unusually high percentage of CPU, then it’s most likely that you have a virus.
How to Remove The File
First, you should determine whether your file is a virus by checking the file location.
You can do this by right-clicking on the file in Task Manager and selecting “Properties”. If the file is located somewhere different to the file locations above and is taking up high amounts of CPU, then you likely have a virus.
You can use a program called Security Task Manager to verify this. This program will scan for Trojans or viruses disguised as GSvr.exe and notify you of any other processes that present a security risk. This program was given 5 stars by ZDNet, a reputable tech news website, and was picked as a top download by the Washington Post.
If you do have a virus, you can delete the file by right-clicking on the file in Task Manager, taking note of its location, and then selecting “End Process”. Once you have stopped the file running, go to the location of the file and delete it.
If you think you have a genuine version of the file but it is causing you problems, you should visit the Gigabyte website at to identify any errors and follow any next steps to fix the issue.