3 file types use the .txf file extension.
Transit XV Pack Translation File
What is a TXF file?
Transit XV, a language translation and localization program, creates a translation file containing language terms and segments as well as their translations and stores a translation from a source.
Additional Information
Translators send TXF files back to the project manager who sent the original PXF file. This method compresses and saves them. This is how it works.
The TXF files from Transit NXT can be changed.
Applications that can read TXF files
STAR Group Transit
Tax Exchange Format
What is a TXF file?
Most tax data is stored in this text-based format. It can be exported from financial software programs like Intuit Quicken or Microsoft Money and used in tax preparation software.
Additional Information
On their website, Intuit has a file format specification and history of changes for TXF files.
Applications that can read TXF files
- Windows
Intuit TurboTax
Intuit Quicken
H&R Block Tax Software
- Mac
Intuit TurboTax
Intuit Quicken
H&R Block Tax Software
Celestia Font Texture File
What is a TXF file?
Celestia, a universe simulation and visualization program, uses this font file to save fonts in a format that is only used by Celestia. This font file is used to show OpenGL overlay text when viewing scripted universe tours that have been set up.
Additional Information
The command-line utility ttf2txf from TrueType fonts can be used to make TXF files (.TTF files). This tool is free to use thanks to the Celestia Development Team, who made it.
TXF files are in the fonts subdirectory of the Celestia installation, which is where they are found.
Programs that can open and look up TXF files
- Windows