File types use the .wmz file extension.
1. Windows Media Player Skin Package
What is a WMZ file?
A WMZ file is a skin for Windows Media Player that changes how the interface looks, usually to match a certain theme. It consists of graphics and JScript code that defines the appearance and behavior of individual skin elements. WMZ files are compressed using ZIP compression.
How do I open a WMZ file?
If you have Windows Media Player installed on your computer, you can double-click any WMZ file to use it as a Windows Media Player skin.
When you apply a skin, it shows up in the Skin Chooser in Windows Media Player. To get to the Skin Chooser, click View Skin Chooser in the Windows Media Player menu bar and then click the button.
WMZ file-opening and reference applications
Microsoft Windows Media Player
2. Compressed Windows Metafile
What is a WMZ file?
WMF files are often made by older versions of Microsoft Office. When documents are saved in HTML format or emailed, WMF files can be included. They can also include equations, clip art, or other vector graphics.
More Information
To make a WMF file from a WMZ file, use a decompression tool that can handle Gzip (.GZ) compression. You might want to change the “.wmz” extension to “.gz” before you use the decompression tool.
Applications that open WMZ files
Corel WinZip
Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe
File Viewer Plus
Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe Mac 16
Apple Archive Utility