nvbackend.exe | NVIDIA GeForce Experience Backend | Errors & Fixes

nvbackend.exe is an executable file developed by NVIDIA. It is part of the NVIDIA GeForce Experience backend process.

The nvbackend file’s .exe extension specifies that it is part of the executable files for the Windows OS family such as Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows XP.

NVIDIA GeForce Experience is a suite of performance optimization, maintenance streaming, and recording programs, are developed especially for Nvidia graphics cards.

Using hardware benchmarking data stored on Nvidia’s cloud data centers, performance optimization tools are featured by NVIDIA GeForce Experience, which configures games to run automatically at optimal settings.


Key statistics

Name NvBackend.exe
File Size2.35 MB
Latest Version Number10.11.15.0

Common nvbackend.exe errors

What is this error?

Nvbackend.exe, when it is defective or absolute, can lead to problems being caused on your PC, which can range from error messages to slowness. Some of the error messages you can get include:

  • Access violation at address FFFFFFFF in module NvBackend. Read of address 00000000.
  • NvBackend has encountered a problem and needs to close.
  • NVIDIA Backend has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. (Windows 10, 8, 7)
  • NVIDIA Backend has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem… (Windows 10, 8, 7)

When does these errors occur?

You might have an issue with the nvbackend.exe process. You’ll likely appreciate GeForce Experience and what it does for you, but it may cause some thrashing of hard drives. On any game, you can be mid-game, and your hard drive may suddenly start incessantly reading.

You’ll realize that the nvbackend.exe has caused it when you pull up your task manager. The hard drive thrashing will stop once you end the process.

Breaking installs and installing Experience V.1.0 (BETA) is likely caused by the GeForce Experience updater.

Since the file does not make appearances often and spreads very slowly, there is very little feedback from users.

What causes it?

You will notice services and processes like nvcpl.exe, Nvidia Streamer Service, nvbackend.exe, etc. if your system has an NVIDIA graphics card installed onto it.

When you install your video card driver, these files are packages that come with it. For the card to operate at maximum performance, they come with additional programs.

How to fix:

Method 1: Restart your computer

Restarting your computer is the simplest way for a troublesome nvbackend.exe to be fixed.

Method 2: Fixing the NVIDIA GeForce Experience

So you can fix issues with related processes and services, there are built-in mechanisms at NVIDIA GeForce Experience. Such issues are easy to fix through the following steps:

  1. Select Fix Problem with NVIDIA GeForce Experience after right-clicking on the icon for NVIDIA GeForce Experience.
  2. Restart your computer after following the prompts in the wizard until the very end. After restarting, your PC should function well.

Method 3: Restarting Geforce Experience Backend

  1. To launch the Task Manager, press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on the keyboard.
  2. To expand the Task Manager, Click on More, then place the Nvidia Geforce Experience Backend.
  3. End the process or task by right-clicking it
  4. When you reopen GeForce Experience, everything should work fine.

Method 4: disabling Antivirus

Antivirus applications, especially Avast, often interrupt useful applications. To make nvbackend.exe function properly, you should turn off the shields. This can be done through the antivirus icon in the tray being right-clicked as you turn off the real-time/shields protection from there.

Is nvbackend.exe safe? Is it malware?

We’ll have to check for its location to determine whether nvbackend.exe is a virus or legit software. The dangerous rating and location of this file are:

File Location / Rating : C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationUpdate Core

You can start the Task Manager to check the legitimacy of the exe file. Add Validated Signer as one of the columns and then click on the columns fields.

Nvbackend.exe may be a virus if it says “Unable to verify” after you look for the nvbackend.exe process for the Verified Signer.

It is not malware or a virus if the developer or the software is legitimate. However, if the developer seems suspicious or is not registered, then using the uninstall program, you can eliminate it entirely.

Therefore, as per this information, nvbackend.exe is neither malware nor virus. But to disguise itself, a good file may be infected with a virus or malware.

How to remove nvbackend.exe

Do the following steps to remove nvbackend.exe from your computer. If it is part of the computer software, this will uninstall the nvbackend.exe file installed on your PC.

Your PC will also have an uninstall program if the file is part of a software program. Run the Uninstaller locator if that is the case like C: Program Files>NVIDIA>NVIDIA GeForce Experience Backend >NVIDIA Backend> NvBackend.exe_uninstall.exe.

Using the Windows Installer, the nvbackend.exe may have been installed. In that case, to uninstall it, open Add or Remove Programs Option after going to Systems Settings.

Search for the name of the software, i.e., NVIDIA GeForce Experience Backend or nvbackend.exe, in the search bar. Or you can try out the NVIDIA developer name.

Select the Uninstall Program after clicking on it. This will allow for the nvbackend.exe file to be removed from your PC. Your computer will now remove the file nvbackend.exe and the software program NVIDIA GeForce Experience Backend.

Restart your computer after every attempt at uninstalling the nvbackend.exe. To see if there is still a folder with a software name under C:\Program Files, start Windows Explorer. Be sure to check for remnants of NVIDIA Backend as well as the Registry.

To do this, look under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”> “Software” for NVIDIA Backend or the producer’s name after you start “Regedit.” Entries in the Windows Registry should only ever be deleted by a computer professional.

Files/Software related to nvbackend.exe

When located in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder, sole malware disguises itself as nvbackend.exe, for example, Trojan.Gen.2 (detected by Symantec) and Trojan.Win32.Pakes. asla (detected by Kaspersky).

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