Two different file types that uses .rev file extension:
1. RAR Recovery Volume Set
What is a REV file?
To create a recovery volume, you need to use the RAR file compression and archiving software. It has redundant data that can be used to make up for lost files in a multi-volume archive.
More Information
In some cases, the volume set can’t be rebuilt if there aren’t enough REV files.
Programs that open REV files
2. LiveCode Plugin
What is a REV file?
The plugin was made by LiveCode, a commercial and open source multi-platform application developer. It includes a plugin that improves LiveCode’s cursors, script editor, and search engine, among other things.
Additional Information
In the app, go to Development Plugins to see your REV plugins.
To find REV files in the free version of LiveCode, right-click the app in your finder window and choose Show Package Contents Contents Tools. The REV files will be in the “Plugins” and “Toolset” folders.
Programs that open or reference REV files